Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Aunt Jerry

My Aunt Jerry passed on Monday morning. She had a quiet, peaceful, always pleasant disposition. The kind that most people (including me) can only hope people would say about them after they're gone. I wish I'd known her better. We really only saw each other occasionally at holidays, weddings, and family ice-cream socials my mom hosted in our backyard.

There was always a slight mystery about Aunt Jerry and Uncle Weldon as he was the only one of my dad's brothers that didn't raise their family in the very same neighborhood as their parents. Yes, it was cool, my grandparents lived 3 streets over and my other two uncles had families all within our block.

As an adult looking back, Jerry always expressed value by intently listening when she asked you how you were or what you were gonna do with your summer. She loved the Lord and was ready to go home when she passed the other day. I hope my love and respect for her illuminated in my disposition with her and not just now as I write these words.

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