I ran across a cute posting about Thursday's Thirteen.
(A fun attempt at getting to know yourself and other bloggers, gee wil-a-kers Batman, I don't know 13 things to post! So, I made an altercation.)
1. I am a breast cancer survivor which seems odd to say because while it was cancer, I went through surgery, radiation, yada yada yada. . . . my surgeon assured me it was a long way from life threatening. I never lost my hair altho one day in the cancer center I murmured a prayer to switch places with a high school cheerleader who had just been told she'd be losing hers. Brother, could there be a worse time?
2. On most days I have one of my Dad's handkerchiefs in my purse. It is a comfort to me because after countless washings, it still has the same smell as when he'd hand them over during funerals and weddings.
3. I was born with a slight case of cerebral palsy. It is on my right side and so slight that as a child few people hardly noticed. As I've aged, it's become more apparent. In all honesty, it slows me down but does not keep me down! :0)
Your three?
20 hours ago
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