My friend Brenda is my "show up" friend. A couple of nights ago she called me saying her husband was out of town and she'd locked herself out of her car. I was already asleep for the evening but unquestionably agreeable to getting up, dressed, and on my way to help her. She seemed puzzled that I got out to help without complaint or push back. Who would I be to do that? Why would I not? You have no idea how many times I've relied on her as my "show up" friend. Just to name a few. . . . She did my laundry every week when I worked two jobs and was with out a washer and dryer. She goes with me to appoints, waits in the waiting room during my surgeries, and completely nurses me back to full health during my recovery times. Here she is with her Mom, WillowDean Campbell. Yes, I am very grateful for my "show up" friend. Do you have one?
2 hours ago
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